
Proposed Exception Reports
Time Sheet Controls
- Missing Time Sheets: -Time Sheet receipt validation verification of timesheet submission
- Timesheet Not Submitted – Active Consultant Assignment and time sheet not submitted
- Time Sheet Different Consultant – Time sheet received different consultant name
- Contract Over – Contract terminated time sheet received
Billing Assurance
- Billable Time Validation – Invoice HRs = Times sheet reported HRs
- Rate Verification - Invoice Rates = Agreement Rate Master
- Time Sheet received – Rate Master not updated
Revenue Leakages
- Excess Hrs Charged – Time Sheet HRs less and Invoice Hrs high
- Less Hrs Charged – Time Sheet HRs is High and Invoice Hrs less
- Incorrect Resource Rate – Invoice Consultant charged excess than Agreement Rate
Approved Billing
- Matched Hrs – Invoice Hrs, Rate and Time Sheet hrs matched